Thursday, September 22, 2011

IF: Mesmerizing

I've been wanting to participate in Illustration Friday back since bicycle (a looong time ago.) I have decided to end my procrastination today.  I'm also ending a long stretch without blogging. Being the last day for this week's word, my entry was rather quickly sketched, but I submit it for your entertainment.

"Mesmerizing." I first thought of a hypnotist, but realized the way to truly mesmerize a kid was by turning on the television.  BTW, these may look like my kids, but they would NEVER be caught watching a show with a purple dinosaur, so these must be somebody else's kids.


  1. Humorous take on Mesmerizing!Oh I remember the days, great job!

  2. cool work, I like how you decided to paint the tv and the rest black and white with just some color here and there, my eyes go directly to that purple dinosaur.

  3. I love it! And agree about the purple dinosaur. Luckily my kids didn't like that show either.

  4. You are getting sleepy...very sleepy. My intent to draw your eye to the screen and mesmerize you has clearly worked. Unfortunately TV never makes my kids sleepy. It makes them irritable and loud. :o) Thanks for the kind words.
